Sinesia Karol: How to take care of your skin in the cold weather

segunda-feira, 3 de fevereiro de 2014

How to take care of your skin in the cold weather

With the onset of cold weather, several factors negatively affect the appearance of the skin and can be a major cause of premature aging.

First , ironically is heat! or artificial heat. When we leave the cold and go directly into an artificially heated  environment we increase the skins sensitivity! This can result in skin peeling because the change reduces their immune status and increases fragility of blood vessels. Consequently leading to  redness , peeling , irritations, poor complexion and a overall unhealthy appearance in our skin.

Moisturizer Clinique Superdefense SPF 20 


What to do?
First, make it a rule to always use your Skin cream and / or foundation protection SPF 10-15before going outside . Today, it is the European standard.  It is naive to think that the devastating effects of ultraviolet do not apply to you because of the frost or cloudiness! This simple rule helps to minimize the negative effects of free radicals, which are exacerbated by adverse weather conditions.
Intense mostourizer and anti aging LA MER / Sjal serum 1

Secondly, do not abandon your moisturizer in this cold time! It can be used both day and night. Ideally,  your moisturizer should contain   vitamin C (for skin prone to kuperozu), vitamin K, ceramides, chitosan and alpha lipoic acid - all these ingredients are what make up the lipid mantle of our skin.

Day and Night cream fluid Caudalie Superdefence SPF 15

Third, do not forget your active serums and nourishing cream. I want to dispel the myth: nourishing cream does not necessarily have an oily texture. It can (and should) be chosen specifically for your skin type. If you have oily or mixed problem skin some are very rich in texture and even in winter can cause acne so pick one rite for you. pay attention and find  one with light texture that is more fluid or milk like. Don’t forget to look up the ingredients. Find a nourishing cream with  DMAE, soy protein, retinol, Q10, vitamin E, shea butter, and so on.
Finally, the cold is  the best time for salon treatments (remember some treatments have seasonal restrictions. Example in the summer there are greater risk of pigmentation), very effective for a variety of problems: sagging, wrinkles, acne, pigmentation and more.
I recommend to undergo chemical peels (a great option is "red" peel), laser rejuvenation and resurfacing. If your skin is rough and in need of hydration or your suffering from pore complexion try   Biorevitalisation injection.

Look for the injection of hyaluronic acid, it contains  a set of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals needed that are accentual to the skin in this cold weather.

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