Sinesia Karol: setembro 2013

terça-feira, 24 de setembro de 2013

Fall Runway Presentation and Cocktail Party by Neiman Marcus and Sinesia Karol

A great night at Sinesia Karol, with presentation of the collection Neiman Marcus.
The scene was all prepared to welcome friends with lots of charm!
Fall Runway Presentation and Cocktail Party at the home of Sinesia & Bill Karol.

quinta-feira, 19 de setembro de 2013

Fashion´s Night Out Brasil 2013

A festa em torno da moda internacional que movimenta fashionistas no mundo todo, o Fashion´s Night Out, acontece em quatro capitais brasileiras.  A Vogue promoveu o evento começando por Curitiba e Rio de Janeiro, onde as festas foram concorridíssimas.  Em São Paulo, no Shopping Cidade Jardim o evento foi um sucesso!   A próxima capital será Vitória. 

Sinesia Karol marcou presença no Rio de Janeiro  e em  São Paulo onde encontrou amigos e cumpriu agenda profissional. 
O blog mostra as fotos do Rio de Janeiro e  um pouco do que rolou na capital paulista!! O Shopping Cidade Jardim estava lindo! 

The party around the international fashion that moves fashionistas, the Fashion's Night Out, happens in four Brazilian cities. The Vogue promoted the event beginning at Curitiba and Rio de Janeiro, where the parties were concorridíssimas Today is the turn of São Paulo, in Garden City Mall and next capital is Vitoria.
Sinesia Karol attended in Rio de Janeiro where he found friends and accomplished professional agenda.

The blog shows photos of Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo!! 
In Rio de Janeiro with Alle and Giovanni Frasson

In Rio de Janeiro - Village Mall 

In São Paulo with Maythe Birman and Darlei Bittencourt
Maythe Birman and Fernanda Motta

sexta-feira, 13 de setembro de 2013

New York Fashion Week

Clicks of  fashion week in New York! Sinesia Karol always a presence in the most important fashion events in the world. This time honored the parade Naeem Khan Fashion Show During Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week Spring 2014 at Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts. 

                            Sinesia Karol and Suheal Kwatra

          Alexander Leventhal , Lianne Gourji  Sinesia Karol and Suheal Kwatra

quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2013

A night with fashion superstars Isabel and Ruben Toledo

In October, during Boston Fashion Week, Sinesia Karol will be participating in a charity event to support the Stitching Studio! 

A night with fashion superstars Isabel and RubenToledo.